Thursday, May 21, 2009

Soros Confirms Lindsey William’s Assertion Oil is a Weapon

If you scrub the above YouTube video to 3 minutes, 45 seconds, you will hear the globalist George Soros at the elite confab last month in Davos, Switzerland, admit that the price of oil is being used as a weapon against the “enemies of the prevailing world order,” i.e, the New World Order. Soros pegs these enemies as Venezuela, Iran, and Russia.

“Chavez,” declares Soros, “his days are numbered.”

In Iran, the price of oil will lead to the defeat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and bring in a “more reasonable regime,” that is to say a regime that takes orders from the global elite.

In the case of Russia, Soros is worried. He believes the falling price of oil and the resulting social and political chaos in that country will prompt Putin and the Russian leadership into “some foreign adventure… to divert attention,” possibly in Ukraine or elsewhere in the neighborhood.

Soros confirms in spades the prediction of Lindsey Williams, who told Alex Jones on several occasions that the global elite have planned to drastically reduce the price of oil in order to take out the oil-producing states and also foment a world-wide economic depression. “America will see a financial collapse so great that it will take years to come out of it,” Williams told Alex Jones on November 21, 2008.

On February 18, Pastor Williams, appearing on Alex Jones TV, updated and added details to his prediction, based on insider information (see video below).

Listening to George Soros, one might get the idea that the radical drop in the price of oil is simply a result of market dynamics and a coincidental opportunity to deal a crushing blow to “enemies of the prevailing world order,” when in fact it is a carefully orchestrated event.

George Soros knows this, but he is not about to tell you.


  1. are oil prices manipulated? yes
    will the low prices have a negative effect on oil producing countries? definintely
    Can it be assumed this will bankcrupt oil producers and force them to cede control to a world bank? absolutely not.

    the oil price surege allowed many oil producing countries to scale up on weapons and military spending, increase their loans to neighbours and centralize power domestically. This inevitably shifts the balance of power in the world to their favour and in the long term its an obvious threat to western dominance. However, on average oil exporters require $60 oil prices to balance their budget. If oil hovers around $50-55 as it has recently, that will barely make a dent in the trends. If they adjust their spending they might still have a balanced budget. A balanced budget is but a pipe dream to nearly any western country.
    The drop in oil prices is just a switch to cruise control in the rebalancing of world wealth.

  2. Alex is just going off of what Soros said. As we know Soros is a dominant public figure among the globalists, holding memberships in Bilderberg, Trilaterl and CFR. Alex busts a load every time one of these weasels comes out and says something and runs with it.

    Who really knows if that's what they are doing. It doesn't seem likely that those oil producers will be completely bankrupt, because I think America will always be dependent on foreign oil as long as there is foreign oil. Only once those resources are exhausted or if our fascist corporatocracy would crumble and die, will we tap into the abundance of oil here in the US.

    What we do know though is that these globalists apply the problem-reaction-solution principle. Where they create the problem and blame it on something or someone, spread disinformation through the media and get the public to react, which leads to us giving up our rights and accepting their solution which was already planned long before the problem.

    Just like they orchestrated this depression to bankrupt America and many other countries, this could be another method to bankrupt the major oil producing countries for a push towards an international currency or maybe just to transfer control or power over the oil to other hands.
